4 reasons not to repair your own electrical appliances at home 28/06/2020 Not all electrical appliances that are broken can be repaired at home by ourselves, here are five reasons why we need to be cautious about electrical self-reparation.
[Tran Phu Electric Wires and Cables] 5 ITEMS SHOULD NOT SAVE WHEN BUILDING AND IMPROVING YOUR HOUSE 26/06/2020 Smart spending does not mean being frugal, especially when spending on long-term assets. Improper savings will bring big risks later. Here are 5 items you should not save when building and...
[Tran Phu Electric Mechanical tips] 5 ways to use air-conditioners energy-efficiently 17/06/2020 Air conditioning consumes a great amount of energy. How to use the air conditioner in the summer in the most economical way?
Important notes before repairing a home 15/06/2020 During our daily activities, there is always the time that we need to repair or renovate the house. Considering the following notes before repairing the house will help you a lot.
10 things to know to avoid violating grid safety corridors 09/06/2020 Violating grid safety corridors is a very dangerous action, therefore it is essential to equip basic knowledge on this.
Avoid the risk of heating electricity problems on hot days 03/06/2020 Every summer, people often face prolonged heat waves, causing a sudden increase in electricity consumption that leads to the risk of electricity incidents.
Tran Phu electric cable brand and challenges in the new decade 02/06/2020 The new decade has opened with the booming in technology as well as the challenges for businesses, Tran Phu has to overcome itself to preserve and develop the brand to enhance the competitive...
[TRAN PHU Wire & Cable's tips] Smarty arrangement of electrical wires in the household 31/05/2020 Disorganized arranging of wires makes the home space become less aesthetic. This article will bring you tips on smart and easy wiring arrangement.
[TRAN PHU Wire & Cable’s Tips] Copper is not just for the wires 28/05/2020 Copper is an important material in the electricity industry. However, the application of copper is not only applied in this field but also used to create works of art.